Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Awesome Amelia and Bluesfest

Gosh, I'm so behind on the blogging. Amelia's visit seems like months ago but it was actually early July, the day after Bluesfest started. No coincidence there - she and I have talked about Bluesfest in the past and I was determined to bring her to a few concerts. This year, we made it happen (courtesy of her generous parents).

Speaking of generous, she arrived with armloads of gifts, including this stylin' get-up for Gabrielle, as well as a book that G can't get enough of: Jillian Jiggs. As it turns out, my capacity for Jillian Jiggs is much smaller than Gabrielle's - I find 2-3 readings a day about all I can handle. She prefers a much larger number.

I had a blast with my little niece. I taught her everything I know about how to act cool (see picture above).

The kids didn't enjoy Bluesfest quite as much as we would have liked. On this particular day, there was quite a bit of grumpiness, which necessitated pacifiers plugged-into their mouths for most of the day. Gabrielle found this day too loud. On subsequent visits down, she and Mark headed to quieter stages (and he bribed her with junk food. Oh yes, she LOVES Bluesfest now...).

I have lots of pictures of Mark walking around like this. She reverts a bit when she's grumpy.

And the big good-bye. Amelia was an incredible help to us in the period just before our move and the kids loved her. Mark and I merely tolerated her.


Ben's visit in August!


Katharine said...

We have the whole Jillian Jiggs collection ;)

Belinda said...

Lucky you! Is the mom such a pre-feminist grouch in all the books?