Monday, March 21, 2011

Logan is four??

It's hard to believe. But I don't think that's what he's sad about. I think it's the ginormous and hilarious hat on his head.

It's actually a perfect size for those who are well-endowed in the cranium department. I love how Declan is rolling his eyes, like "oh dad, you're so lame...."

Isaac had a great time, just wandering around the cool little farmhouse the party was being held in. He was pretty independent for a change, which was nice for Mark and I, although we both assumed he was with the other one when often, he'd be off exploring.

Susie was there, helping to explain the strategy for pin the balloon on the fire engine.

Logan had a fantastic fire truck cake.

Delicious cupcakes, firetruck cake, marble cake, what's not to love about birthday parties?

G and Naya, cute as always...

1 comment:

Angie said...

Those are hilarious photos!!! :) Thanks for posting them!
