Wednesday, April 6, 2011


Gabrielle got her first real bike a few days ago. She loved riding around the store on it - zooping around the customers, cutting them off with a "scuse me!". She also insisted on getting a helmet right away. Somehow all the zealot helmet-wearers have gotten to our daughter and brainwashed her while we weren't looking! (All right, all right, take it easy out there - I'm clearly kidding.)

Mark sent me this picture moments ago. Heading off on her inaugural ride to school... Mark has to somehow navigate the stroller and keep G from riding off into traffic. I have no idea how this will end - stay tuned.

15 minutes later....

They made it!

1 comment:

drapes said...

Piece of cake! - I'm not saying it was easy, that's what I used as a bribe to get her stop crying when we got there!

Kidding, it was fun! Keeping her out of traffic was easy - we know how timid she is!