Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Day trip in Montreal

Amos, Carolyn, and the kids were going to be in Montreal for a few days, so we decided to take a day trip to see them. Our guys are getting better in the car, although Isaac needs alot of trains waved under his nose when he starts complaining.

We spent most of the visit in my mom's pool. G has suddenly become quite a fish, enjoying being in water as deep as she can get without actually having it touch her face. Once the inevitable splashing happens, she wrinkles up her nose and whines a bit.

Carolyn took a couple of spins with her in the water, as did Amos (sorry Am, no pics - again!).

Isaac has not yet developed a love of the watery stuff. Mark's gentle invitation to join him in the pool turned into cajoling which turned into grabbing him and forcing him in.

Awesome sweetness below.

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