Thursday, October 13, 2011

Dancing [and waving like the] queen

At Gabrielle's insistence, we signed her up for dance classes this fall. It was going to be Sportball (a class where they teach the kids the basic elements of 7 different sports) but when she heard this, she looked so dejected and wailed "but I wanted to dance!!" Well what parent can say no to that? Incidentally, Isaac is in Sportball and loving it. Tennis day was apparently very successful (are you listening, Grampa Shalom?)

Here she is warming up, horizontally, before class.

She just can't stop waving at me during class, and it's that perfect big smile and wave from the wrist up that makes it all so very cheesy and hilarious.

Yes Gabrielle, I see you...

Started waving at me right after this jump...

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