Thursday, January 26, 2012

Facing the inevitable

En route to London, Ontario for Draper family Christmas, we decided a good stopping point would be Kingston, for dinner. I remembered there was a Playland at the Kingston McDonald's and thought, hell, why not introduce our kids to the cult that is the Happy Meal? It's bound to happen eventually, and at least if we're there, we can (somewhat) control their intake of crappy food. As well, we hoped they'd get to run around a bit and burn off some steam before getting back in the car for five more hours.

It turns out McDonald's didn't have the magical effect on the kids that we'd hoped/feared. Neither one of them was terribly enthralled by the food, nor in climbing in the big play structure, and this life-size statue of Ronald was positively terrifying to them. Isaac agreed to touch it after several minutes of cajoling and being told he was "safe."

Here's Gabrielle trying to escape the play structure. That's Mark inside the structure, trying to hold her in.

Mark decided he wasn't going to let our scaredy-cat kids ruin his fun.

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