Friday, January 27, 2012

New name/old name

Those eagle-eyed blog readers will notice a small but significant change in the heading of the blog, specifically Isaac's THIRD name has been legally changed from Zion to Ziv, in honour of my cousin who died a number of years ago in a bicycle accident. In fact, we had always planned to give him the name Ziv, but somehow in the postpartum time period, between being lost in a maze of names and being sleep-deprived, Ziv got changed to Zion. Something about there not being enough syllables in all of Isaac's names being the reason for the last-minute change. I dunno - it sounds ridiculous now, but that's my best recollection of how it happened.

After being unhappy with his third name for the last 2 years, we (I) finally decided to have it legally changed. Happily, only his birth certificate carries his full name, so the paperwork has been minimal. And it's nice that he carries the name of a deceased family member, in the grand third name tradition started way back with Gabrielle's third name of Maxwell.

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