Saturday, February 11, 2012

Hanukkah hijinks

We had a low-key Hanukkah celebration this year, but we did manage to light candles the first few days before leaving for London. Gabrielle has become the designated candle-lighter and does a very good job of it. We put the menorah in the window, and just outside, you can see our low-key "winter lights." (Okay, okay, there's no such thing as winter lights... they're Christmas lights!! A couple of realistic-looking twig deer eating snow right by our little fir tree covered in white lights.)

Playing dreidel is a holiday must - Gabrielle is pretty good at spinning the dreidel...

...and Isaac is just starting to figure it out...

...but Mark is the real dreidel champ in the family, cleaning up the pennies game after game. He also provided technical assistance, looking up the rules of dreidel on his little phone.

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