Tuesday, February 14, 2012

What's In A Name? Part I

Both Belinda and I love out-of-the-ordinary names. But back before Gabrielle was born and when we were first talking about names, we were both a little concerned about predetermining her (or his - we didn't know at the time) fate by choosing a crazy name. I've always loved the story of Picabo Street (who as legend has it was called Little Girl until she was two at which time she was allowed to choose her own name) so we came up with the idea of bestowing both a "rock-star" name and a "CEO" name and letting her choose later which one she wanted to go by.


The 16th state and a beautiful word. When on our road-trip Tennessee was an unexpected highlight: we loved Graceland and Memphis and had a couple of nice nights in campgrounds there. My Merlin bicycle was made in Chattanooga and when Belinda was pregnant with Gabrielle we went to the Bonnaroo music festival in Manchester.


Belinda wanted a name of Hebrew origin which helped limit the scope somewhat. Gabrielle was an early front-runner in a field of Sarahs and Rebeccas and whatnot.


Gabrielle's father is Mark Maxwell. Mark's father is Patrick Maxwell. Patrick's father was Leslie Maxwell. Leslie's mother was Kathleen Florence Maxwell. Kathleen's brother was Thomas Maxwell. Thomas Maxwell, Second Lieutenant, 8th Battalion Royal Dublin Fusiliers, died age 20 on September 9, 1916 in the Battle of Ginchy during the Battle of the Somme.


Belinda's last name.


Mark's last name.

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