Thursday, July 3, 2008

...and more Lennoxville hijinks...

Gabrielle horsing around with Grandad.

Heather doing a very silly dance, which made Gabrielle forget she was being held by Mike.

Gabrielle with The Draper Sibs - all with the same beautiful blue eyes. Even Mike has them, hidden behind his *too cool for the room* shades.

Gigi with her Aunt Katharine and Cousin Maggie. Maggie's not so much into sharing her mother's attentions, giving Gigi a bit of the evil eye.

No, this is not baby's first Coke (that special moment has already been reserved by Mark). Gabrielle suffered with her first serious bout of constipation, and this is baby's first prune juice. Delish, I'm sure, and worked like a charm...

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