Monday, July 7, 2008

First Bluesfest!

I guess this is technically her second Bluesfest, as she was 4 months in utero at last year's festival. Mark and I were just remembering that last year we talked about bringing her to Bluesfest this year. Wow, we actually did something we said we were going to do. A rare feat.
Anyways, Gabrielle got lots of smiles for her cute get-up and headphone ensemble. For a change, I didn't feel like a bad parent. And yes, we slathered her in SPF 50. 

This shows how far we were from the main stage, although it was still pretty loud. She seemed fine with it all, although I wouldn't go so far as to say she enjoyed it, she certainly didn't hate it. She even fell asleep on me a little later in the afternoon. 

She got to see Les Breastfeeders (a punk bad from Montreal, and yes, I did do some breastfeeding during the show, although I resisted for obvious reasons), Infected Mushroom (electronica/live band from Israel), and a bit of Snoop Dogg, which is pretty much when she dozed off. I 'm already picturing her telling her friends when she's older that she saw Snoop Dogg "back in the day". 

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