Thursday, July 3, 2008

Happy 40th wedding anniversary, Nana and Grandad!

We went to Lennoxville last weekend to celebrate Mark's parents' 40th wedding anniversary. We had a big party, complete with tent, caterer, and rented glasses, tables, and chairs. It was a bit like planning a wedding. Not that I'd know anything about that...

Mark and Gabrielle, chilling out in the unbearable heat. She was a trooper all day.

Gigi and her cousin Maggie, cuddling on the big chair before the party. Note how Gabrielle is fingering the fabric of Maggie's dress, imagining herself wearing it in 2 years or so....

I carried Gabrielle around in this sling for most of the party. She's really been enjoying drinking out of a glass, and as it was such a hot day, I carried around a glass of water for her. As you can see, I also carried around a glass of beer for myself. See below - I hope I didn't mix up the glasses...

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