Friday, February 27, 2009

Out on the town with Meaghan and Gabrielle

So this is what they're up to while we're at work all day...

Ladies who lunch.

Meaghan is from a huge family - 6 brothers and sisters at last count - and they all seem to be involved with Gabrielle in some way. Her brother Lucas, above, is apparently one of G's favourites. I think it's because he's got baby-like features, or at least the top of his head bears some resemblance...

Meaghan's sister, Erin, is also in on the action, having done some babysitting for us one night.

Meaghan's teaching G lots of valuable life skills, not the least of which is how to rudely chat on a cellphone when you're out for lunch with your friends.

And most importantly, accessorizing, or as I like to call it, Successorizing!


Anonymous said...

Please don't say at last count with regards to the 7 kids. Been there, done that, done!
Meg's Mom

Anonymous said...

P.S. - Gabrielle is a doll! Love to hear her when I call Meg on the phone.
Meg's mom.

Belinda said...

Thanks much - I guess I should have mentioned that Meaghan's parents are also in on raising Gabrielle...

BTW, Meaghan's a great girl - I always tell people she seems like she was really well-raised...

Anonymous said...

Thank you Belinda, that's so nice to hear.