Wednesday, July 29, 2009

I [heart] PEI

My mother, my brother's family and our family rented a house together in PEI last week. I have several hundred photos of the trip on my camera, and only one of Amos and Carolyn. Ridiculous how the kids get all the glory. Anyways... here are some highlights of the kids in PEI....

Ben and Gabrielle having a snuggly moment at a local community centre concert.

Ben and Amelia enjoying their surroundings. (Mark and I weren't much better - we took proper advantage of the satellite TV to watch the Tour de France for several hours each morning.)

Still smiling after six consecutive rides on the carousel: Wheee!...

Gabrielle loved the beach and especially the waves: Whoosh!...

Cool shot of cousins "Milly" and G.

Gabrielle digging into the Ruffles after polishing off an Oreo ice cream bar. Daddy was supposed to be supervising...

At the Charlottetown Airport at the end of the week, [semi] relaxed and tanned.

More genetic tendencies

Could Mark's love of everything plaid have carried through to G's chromosomes?


Gabrielle has a new Best Friend Forever and her name is Georgia. Gabrielle loves her soooooo much, she tries to squeeze the stuffing out of her.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Macdonald girls with G

I keep asking Erin to take photos of herself and Gabrielle while they're out and about. Going through the photos on the camera today, this was the closest one I could find...

OK, just kidding, but I did think it was hilarious that Meaghan somehow got a photo of herself and Gigi onto our camera. I love that she still hangs out with her on occasion, and talks to her on the phone most days. 

Here's the real deal - the one and only recent photo of Erin with Gabrielle. As we will be transitioning to a daycare centre in two weeks, this may be the last shot of Erin for awhile. I sincerely hope we stay in touch with the Macdonald clan after Gabrielle moves on to daycare. Put early January in your calendars for G's second birthday party - you're all invited...


Bluesfest is, in my opinion, the single best thing about Ottawa. Forget the Canal or the Parliament buildings or anything like that - Bluesfest is where it's really at, and I don't like blues, so you know it's got to be good. Anyways, as per our newest family tradition, we all went down on the weekend to check out the scene. 

Here are Mark and Gabrielle taking a self-portrait in front of some random hillbilly band. I mostly love how similar they look, squinting into the camera.

Me and my lady.

And here's a good sign: my friend and work colleague Nicola came by to visit and after only a couple of minutes, Gabrielle jumped right into her arms. Could this be the easing of her stranger anxiety?

Future Solid Gold dancer?

And featuring Mr. Matthew Macdonald on guitar.

Helping out around the house

I guess this is a fairly common toddler phase, but Gabrielle is very into being helpful right now. She always wants to help me sweep and toss the garbage into the can, but laundry is where her real passion lies. Here she is "helping" Erin load the washing machine - one piece of clothing at a time...

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Happy Canada Day! (and happy birthday Grandad)

Mark and I have (temporarily?) left behind our past Canada Day debaucheries and have firmly joined the family crowd. Here we are, heading out to join the festivities. This was G's first time in the backpack since last fall. We were worried that: a) she wouldn't enjoy it; and b) that the extra 15 pounds she now weighs would be too much to carry. Luckily, things worked out on both fronts, although Mark now has strap marks permanently embedded in his shoulders.

In front of the Rideau Centre, with thousands of Canadian revellers in the background.

Enjoying a mother-daughter ipod moment. Technology really does bring people closer together.

The skies opened up and we sat under a tree, waiting for the downpour to stop. We broke open the french fries we were all snacking on and G went at them. She sat under this tree, mowing down french fries, getting soaking wet, while people passing by looked at her with amazement and pity...


Erin told me that Gabrielle spends alot of time on the rocking horse at playgroup, so I combed the usedottawa ads and found a nice horse for cheap. So far, she doesn't ride it very much, but she acknowledges and "neighs" at him all the time. 

She is also modelling a little jumpsuit I made for her. It's very "Sound of Music" in my opinion - I find it looks like drapes turned into clothes.

At the beach

We took a little family outing to the Westboro beach a few weeks back with Angie, Derek, Logan and their newest family addition.

The water was absolutely freezing, but G didn't seem to mind. She ended up going in up to her shoulders, at Mark's coaxing.

Afterwards, we hung out on the grass with the littlest Stibbard. Gabrielle really wanted to pick him up - Mark had to keep intervening to protect the little one from Gabrielle's *love*.