Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Happy Canada Day! (and happy birthday Grandad)

Mark and I have (temporarily?) left behind our past Canada Day debaucheries and have firmly joined the family crowd. Here we are, heading out to join the festivities. This was G's first time in the backpack since last fall. We were worried that: a) she wouldn't enjoy it; and b) that the extra 15 pounds she now weighs would be too much to carry. Luckily, things worked out on both fronts, although Mark now has strap marks permanently embedded in his shoulders.

In front of the Rideau Centre, with thousands of Canadian revellers in the background.

Enjoying a mother-daughter ipod moment. Technology really does bring people closer together.

The skies opened up and we sat under a tree, waiting for the downpour to stop. We broke open the french fries we were all snacking on and G went at them. She sat under this tree, mowing down french fries, getting soaking wet, while people passing by looked at her with amazement and pity...

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