Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Macdonald girls with G

I keep asking Erin to take photos of herself and Gabrielle while they're out and about. Going through the photos on the camera today, this was the closest one I could find...

OK, just kidding, but I did think it was hilarious that Meaghan somehow got a photo of herself and Gigi onto our camera. I love that she still hangs out with her on occasion, and talks to her on the phone most days. 

Here's the real deal - the one and only recent photo of Erin with Gabrielle. As we will be transitioning to a daycare centre in two weeks, this may be the last shot of Erin for awhile. I sincerely hope we stay in touch with the Macdonald clan after Gabrielle moves on to daycare. Put early January in your calendars for G's second birthday party - you're all invited...


Angie said...

Wow she looks more like her Dad every day!!!

I miss all three (and a half) of you.


Meaghan said...

She is getting so big! She amazes me that one.
I have some pictures on my camera of Gabrielle, I'll upload them soon :)

Meaghan said...

That look "woof" in her hands is Pogo..Chris won him for me when we went to La Ronde for his birthday. Gabrielle tried her hardest to hide it in her stroller seat when they left..hahah little devil!