Thursday, November 26, 2009

Curly visits

My dad came to visit to see his newest grandson, as well as to check in with Gabrielle, one of his top 2 favourite nieces. He also confirmed that indeed, Isaac's chin is Peres-ian.

He smartly arrived with the perfect gift for G: a baby of her own! This thing drinks out of its own bottle, cries, sleeps, burps, etc. All the good things about a baby without any of the bad (diapers). Gabrielle loves it, immediately christening it "Gabrielle's baby". Good name, sweetie. And thanks to Marie for choosing so well...

She and my dad made goo-goo eyes at each other...

As I was looking through the pictures of my dad with Isaac, this one looked kind of familiar...

Ah yes, I knew I'd seen that reaction before ... Gabrielle and Isaac may not be so different after all.


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