Sunday, November 1, 2009

In the end, a very happy and sugar-charged Hallowe'en

Gabrielle's been resisting putting on a costume since I first mentioned Halloween about a week ago. She wouldn't wear one at daycare, even though everyone else in her class was. I figured we'd have to wait yet one more year to get some free candy from the neighbours (see my posting from last Halloween - the first big disappointment in the "mooching off strangers" department).

We went over to Derek and Angie's place, because they live in a kid-zone, and we hoped Logan's excitement over Halloween might rub off on Gabrielle. Mark got her in her monkey costume no problem (coincidentally, second year in a row dressed as a monkey!), but then she wanted to take it off about 10 seconds later.

Logan's excitement did, in fact, convince G to give it another try, and Mark managed to get her out the door for an attempt at trick or treating.

Here's Logan showing off his best dragon "roars". Also note that Logan opted for a big bag to carry his loot, whereas G wanted to put her loot in her new frog backpack.

At this house, neither one could reach the buzzer, so we had to assist at times, but basically they were on their own. 

Total score! G gots TONS of great stuff - filling the backpack after only an hour or so.

Mark and Angie came back to the house to let Darouk and I have a go at the fun. It was actually quite a blast seeing Gabrielle be a bit braver than usual and demanding her well-deserved candy.

We were mostly there for "up the stairs" and "down the stairs" support.

After the kids got home, they had a few chocolate bars and candies and were running around in circles, much like I do after I've had a couple of Starbucks lattes. Now the great parenting conundrum of what do we do with all her loot? Suggestions anyone??

1 comment:

Katharine said...

Eat it, duh! By next year she'll be old enough to notice it disappear from her stash.