Thursday, March 25, 2010

Eating solids

As soon as Isaac turned 4 months old, we started him on solids. This is about 2 months before the current recommendation, but I was hopeful that eating would get him to sleep more than his current one and a half to two hour stretches. Look at how happy and hopeful I am...

Isaac isn't the natural eater that Gabrielle was. He's all fists and fingers in my way, but he seems to enjoy the process well enough - I'm just not sure that he's quite grasped the concept. So far, the eating has had no effect on his sleep. And now I have to puree food for him! What was I thinking....


Katharine said...

Is it working? Are you getting longer sleep out of him? Our attempts at solids gave us hours of screaming in the middle of the night & tummy troubles so he's still ebf and I'm still up every couple of hours. I'm hoping it can't last forever!

Belinda said...

It's hard to know. He still isn't a great eater and the quantity isn't going up. He's had some of the symptoms you describe in the last couple of days, but I attributed it to the cold he's got - maybe it's the food? I'm going to persevere - his night time feedings have definitely stretched out lately, again, I'm not sure if they would have anyways or if it's attributable to the food... Good luck!