Sunday, January 23, 2011

Christmasnooch part 2

Katharine and Ray spent real Christmas with Ray's family in London and then bravely strapped their kids in and drove to Ottawa on the 26th. We had a stocking redux the morning after they arrived and it was like Christmas all over again. As an aside, on December 31st Gabrielle asked if Santa was going to come again. After first Christmas, second Christmas, and then her birthday being celebrated at two-day intervals, it's no wonder. But I digress...

We finally had guests in our new guest room! Even Trevor and Maggie got some real estate on the new bed, with Ray apparently drawing the short straw and having to sleep on a short little cushion which was gaily covered in purple Dora sheets.

The cousins generally had a great time playing together. Gabrielle did her usual following Maggie around with adulation routine and Maggie did her usual exasperated with Gabrielle routine. Maggie is a very mature little girl who seemed to understand the power she has over Gabrielle and so she agreed to keep her "ewww... broccoli!!" comments to herself.

G seemed to really like Baby Trevor. I'm not sure what he thought of her - he's a pretty easy going guy, making Isaac seem positively screechy (which he's kind of becoming, in any event). Trevor and Isaac's development were at very similar levels at Christmas, with lots of crawling and some standing going on by both. On the last day of their visit, Isaac took his first solo steps, so I guess he won that contest but not by much, I assume...

Jane demonstrated some culinary skills with a big knife. Gabrielle is rightfully scared of big knives, so I expect she was warning Nana repeatedly of the dangers of big knives. "Careful Nana. Careful! Nana? Careful Nana. Knives are sharp, Nana. Nana?"

Pat engaged the girls on the physics of Weebles. Also, note Mark in the background, enjoying a beer. He was the chef on duty that night, making his now-famous roast beef dinner, with Yorkshire puddings, roast vegetables, and all the trimmings. I guess making dinner is thirsty work - every time I looked over, Mark seemed to be chugging back Coronas between checking on the meat. Nice dinner babe - not bad for a drunk guy.

The boys in all their cuteness. Smile!

OK, now serious.

So cute. As different as can be except for the very obvious.

Next up: Christmasnooch part 3: G's birthday

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