Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Three going on thirteen

Indulge me while I get one more post in before I delve into the millions of Christmas/birthday photos...

Gabrielle spends a fair bit of time with her new pal Madeline, who is about 6 months older than her and a somewhat corrupting influence. Suddenly, Gabrielle's speech is full of the word "like", not as in "I like ice cream" or "I like mummy's chicken biryani" but more "I was, like, outside today and, like, was walking down, like, the street, like, and I, like, had to wait for baby Isaac, like, and it was sooooo annoying!" Seriously?? You don't know the meaning of annoying, G.

But I like Madeline - she's energetic and fun and has a similar devotion to the colour pink. Here's one of their dance parties:

And then they disappeared upstairs. I followed them up after about 15 minutes of silence and they were just, like, hanging out, totally dontcha know.

Later, they were vegging out on the couch, reading their fave library books.

And here they are recreating the time when G fell asleep with a book on her head:

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