Monday, January 10, 2011

Tobogganing success!

Last year, G had no interest whatsoever in tobogganing and was miserable even sitting in her sled and having us pull her around gently on flat ground, for whatever unknown reason. With trepidation, we headed to the tiny hill at Dovercourt, hoping a year of maturation will have done its work on her, but secretly knowing that it wouldn't have. We were wrong.

From the first run, G loved it, and yelled "again!" at the bottom. Hell, let's try Isaac:

The little man just sat there, upright and expressionless, until the bottom, at which point he'd flap his arms up and down, which we took as a sign for "again!" It's been a lot of fun, and we've gone a half dozen times since then, with Gabrielle working up her skills and trying new things, like going down the ice slide on her tummy, head first! I don't think we've discovered her hidden genius at luge or skeleton, but we've found something fun we can do outside that tires them out. Excellent.

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