Friday, June 10, 2011

The big 4-1

What do you get a man who has everything (other than a vintage BMW)? The adoration of his friends, that's what. And 9 racks of ribs, 2 birthday cakes, and a couple of (vinyl) Hawaiian hula girls thrown in for good measure...

The cake was brought out earlier than I had originally planned but the kids staged a demonstration, demanding it. They organized themselves somehow, and started chanting "cake cake cake" until I gave into the demands of the little people and brought it out. I can only presume it is the recent success of the NDP that would account for the populist actions of our children.

Thanks to Darouk for filming.


drapes said...

My favourite part is at the end when Alix disappears into the house at the same time you can hear a child crying and Natalie just ignores it all and takes another big slug of wine!

Belinda said...

Ahem, Mark, if you watch and listen more closely, you'll notice that the crying baby isn't Alix at all, but is actually.... ISAAC! And where were his parents??