Thursday, June 23, 2011

While I was away...

It's about time I do a posting about my week in the U.K. on a business trip. Or I should say, what happened at home while I was in the U.K. for a week on a business trip. By all accounts, Mark had a great time bonding with his kids and his father, who came up to help him get a project done, namely re-roofing the garage (or something). I'm not exactly sure what it is they did but it sure looks great, involved tar and rocks, and was a lot of hard work so thanks boys!

I'd like to caption the photo below with something like here is Mark in his outdoor work gear but let's face it, these are his regular clothes that he wears to work every day, with the addition of steel-toed work boots. I knew they'd come in handy one day.

The kids love Moe's down the street and so do we. What's not to like about a pizza restaurant that is obsessed with Elvis?

Grandad got along great with the kids. Notice how Isaac is mimicking his every move.

Thanks again for the help, Pat.

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