Wednesday, June 22, 2011

May 2-4

Now that we're all grown up and responsible, we no longer spend Victoria Day boozing with our friends. Yes, we have been known to do that on occasion. This year, we biked over to one of those travelling carnivals that set up and break down in one weekend. Gotta trust those ferris wheels, hey? Anyways, it ended up being a great success, with ever more challenging rides being interspersed with mini-donuts, soft ice cream, french fries: the amusement park trifecta.

Isaac loved loved loved this driving ride. He wanted to keep riding it over and over. He eventually rode it on his own, as G got tired of going 'round and 'round in these little vehicles.

Gabrielle got to play a carnival game to win a prize. She threw 6 darts, hit 5 balloons, and won this cozy Hello Kitty baseball bat.

Victoria Day - it's not what it once was, but I did have a (sugar) hang-over the next day...

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