Sunday, January 4, 2009

Gigi's first Chrismukkah. Part three: Birthday

Although Gabrielle's birthday isn't *technically* part of Chrismukkah, it will no doubt be subsumed by it, as likely happens with all late December babies. Mark's family was incredibly generous, trotting out a whole bunch of fresh gifts, even though we had opened Christmas presents just the day before. We are now well-supplied in very noisy toys. Gabrielle is pleased.

Here's the GAK (Great Aunt Kitty) giving Gabrielle a big stuffed bear for her birthday. Gabrielle's like, that's for me?

Maggie and Gabrielle modelling their semi-matching sweaters. Maggie's clearly thinking about how Gabrielle is ruining the photo with her crying, and won't she please just grow up?

We went out for a walk in downtown London. Guess who loves riding on daddy's big shoulders? Guess whose neck was killing all the next day?

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