Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Life lessons: good grooming

[Meaghan wrote:] Gabrielle. Interesting little girl. Every day after her morning nap, we have had a tradition of changing her diaper and getting her dressed and ready for the day. Last week she discovered what to do with a comb, as she has little hair obviously adult brushes and combs are too big for her. Belinda went out and grabbed her some cute little kiddy sized things. Now every morning I sit her on the sink and let her do her thing.
She is developing great grooming skills!! She now brushes her hair every chance she gets. It's the most adorable thing!!

This particular picture was in the afternoon one day, she pointed at her hair and I handed her, her brush. She is brilliant!! She knows exactly what to do!!
I have high hops for potty training one day ;)

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