Thursday, January 1, 2009

Gigi's first Chrismukkah. Part one: Chanukkah

Gabrielle's first Chrismukkah began with a trip to Montreal to celebrate Chanukkah with my parents, my brother, and his kids. Gabrielle got to try potato latkes for the first time and my father's *famous* Lithuanian-style duck, also known as "Pincus Pines" style. Whatever. It was delicious, and she ate everything we put on her plate. As my mother says, she's a Jewish mother's dream. Speaking of my mother, she broke her arm about a month ago, and so she wasn't able to interact very much with Gabrielle. Well, mostly because she would have to fight Ben and Amelia to get to her. Also, Gabrielle's stranger anxiety doesn't seem to manifest with kids, I have no idea why. Anyways, the two of them basically monopolized Gabrielle for the entire visit, and thus I have almost no photos of anyone but them with her. Sorry mom, sorry dad, sorry Amos...

The kids got Gabrielle some amazing gifts, including this floofy-poofy fairy costume, a cool eating bowl and chopsticks, and a hat shaped like a giant chocolate chip cookie. 

It's amazing we got Gabrielle out of there in one piece. There was alot of "I wanna hold her!", as usual.

We stayed at my dad's house on this visit, and Gabrielle finally started warming up to *Curly* on the last day. Here she is pointing very specifically to every item in the fridge and asking "Whazzat?"

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