Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Saturday mornings with mama

Most Saturday mornings, I take Gabrielle out of our bedroom as early as I can drag myself out of bed and give Mark the chance to sleep in a little. We head over to the living room, where I immediately turn on the cartoons. I hate getting up early, but I love Saturday morning cartoons. I'm trying to get Gabrielle into watching them, but so far she's not terribly interested. Mostly, we just wrestle around on the couch, reading books and playing with her toys.

Of all *her* toys, her favourite thing to play with is *our* camera and cordless phones. There's alot of unh! unh! from her whenever she sees something that we don't want her to touch.

Here she is actually watching the television for a moment. Look how she's making herself at home, leaning back onto my face.

Monkey see, monkey do. Here I am making myself at home, leaning back onto our baby.

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