Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Days eight, nine, ten - gettin' lucky in Atlantic City

Gabrielle is a very lucky baby to have been able to experience the Manhattan Port Authority bus terminal at such a young age. I expect the germs she picked up there will fortify her immune system for a long time. 

I'm in Atlantic City! It's a dream come true. Wake up, Gabrielle, wake up!!

Gabrielle and I took in the sights while Mark was, ahem, otherwise occupied. The beach was gorgeous, although it was hard to get out of the shadow of Bally's. We stayed in the tower on the right, the old Claridge hotel.

Walking in the Atlantic - a surprising 71 degrees warm.

Gabrielle and I took in the hourly fountain show at the Caesar's Palace. She seemed to actually be watching and enjoying it. She's nearly human.

The next day, we returned home. That last travel day involved 2 cab rides, 2 flights, and 2 train rides. Unbelievably, we made it home intact and with all our luggage. Some guy at the Atlantic City train station said he couldn't believe we were travelling with so much stuff and a baby. Yeah. We're a little crazy that way.

Day seven - downtown again

This being our last day in New York, we decided to take it easy and stroll around the lower part of the island. I haven't been to the World Trade Center site since before September 11, so that was our first stop. Not much to see except alot of tourists waving their arms around.

We went back to Little Italy to take part of the festival of San Somebody (gotta find out who it is), i.e. eat more food. Pizza, of course, as well as a sausage sandwich for Mark and a bracciole (pork roll-up thingy) for me. I was told to go to a funky rice pudding shop (huh?) in the area - Rice to Riches. After sampling a couple of flavours, I decided on Plain. It was good, but look at the ginormous size of the smallest serving they offer. Gabrielle and I managed to finish it off, but it wasn't easy.

Day six - Williamsburg and Little Italy

Yet another baby transportation method. Gabrielle was such a trooper.

We had delicious breakfast at Egg Restaurant in Williamsburg (shout out Brooklyn!). And yet another good thing about Brooklyn is that a lot of the subway lines are aboveground. Good for tourists, not so good for residents. 

We took the train to Little Italy in search of the metal funnel that goes inside a 9-cup Bialetti coffee maker because ours broke and we were unable to find a source for one anywhere in Canada. But hey! it's the yearly festival of San Somebody! Blocks and blocks of pizza, bracciole, cannoli, and that classic Italian dish: deep fried Oreos?

Day five - Bronx Zoo

Mark took Gabrielle for a chill out day to the Bronx Zoo, which involved a one hour subway ride each way. Sounds relaxing. Apparently, she really liked the butterfly kingdom.

I don't go to zoos, nor do I approve of them, so the only picture I'm willing to post is this one of her meditating by the koi pond. If anyone would like to see other pictures, direct your request to Mark. ;-)

If anyone is wondering what I was doing while they were at the zoo, the answer is that I don't remember, as I didn't have the camera to document my day. My best guess is probably shopping. 

Day four - cute outfit, sad baby

At this point in the trip, we learned a valuable lesson about travelling with babies: take it down a notch or live to regret it. Gabrielle was in a miserable mood all day, despite the incredibly cute outfit she was wearing from the Takeshimaya sale rack. 

Mark went off on his own shopping for records in the Village, while Gabrielle and I strolled around the Lower East Side, the Village, and Soho. I had envisioned us stopping at some cute cafĂ© to have lunch and relax, but Gabrielle would burst into tears anytime I even slowed down, so I had to keep on walk walk walking. She had one of her legs up in the air for most of the afternoon. I have no idea what that's about, but I now take it as a very ominous sign. We realized that we would have to scale back our sightseeing and give her more home time after this nightmarish day. 

Day three - midtown Manhattan

Day three, we finally make it onto the island of Manhattan. This was my first time staying anywhere but Manhattan, so it was odd having my visit involve any other borough. But, as the kids these days like to say, it's all about Brooklyn. 

Mark wanted to check out the observation tower at the top of Rockefeller Centre and I didn't so Gabrielle and I checked out the area from ground level while he was up there looking down on us. 

Waxed begonias, I believe? A minute later, they were in her mouth.

Clap if you *heart* New York!

Mark and Gabrielle love the Empire State Building, or at least Mark does. 

Day two - Coney Island

All went well arriving at our apartment rental in Brooklyn. However, us peace loving Ottawaglians weren't prepared for the sound of passenger trains roaring by every half hour. And, being Saturday, the yahoos were out with their supercharged car stereos thump thumping through the night. None of us had a very restful night, as evidenced by Gabrielle's yawn, above.

Post-breakfast in Fort Greene, Brooklyn, Gabrielle needed a diaper change. "How about we change her on this random piece of wood?"

We met up with the Hall&Karens and their four! children at Coney Island: Blondie, Blonder, More Blonder and McBlondest.

This is Blonder (aka Sal), making friendly with Gabrielle.

Gabrielle's got her clapping skills now. Yay, subway ride!

The Drapereses take New York - day one

Day 1 of our 10 day holiday to New York and Atlantic City was a very long travel day. That's what you get when you travel on points. Above, here we are at the Ottawa airport, waiting for our first flight to Montreal. We sat at the airport for more than two hours - we could have driven to Montreal in that time. Ridiculous. Gabrielle still happy, amusing herself on the floor.

Here we are on the plane, still feeling excited about our big adventure. Gabrielle refused to look out the window, despite Mark's promises about big fluffy clouds. 

Montreal airport, 3 hour layover. The expression on my face, combined with me holding up my wristwatch, is supposed to convey my unhappiness about the situation. Get it?

Mark and Gabrielle slobbing out at the Montreal airport.

The cab ride into the city from Laguardia airport. Check out how excited Gabrielle is to be in the big city. Little did she know that we were staying in Brooklyn. Total transportation for the day: 2 cab rides, 2 flights.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

48 hours in Ottawa

After our visit to Montreal, Tova and Zvi came to Ottawa for a couple of days to see the sights. Those two are Energizer Bunnies, and made Mark and I feel like lazy slobs, which is what we are, I guess.

Here we are at Champlain Lookout in Gatineau Park, Gabrielle keeping a close eye on our visitors. 

On a hike in Gatineau Park, we finally put our backpack to its intended use.

Gabrielle was so comfortable, she fell asleep, missing all the spectacular views. Good thing she lives here.

Tova and Zvi were quite taken with the beauty of the region - they did alot of gazing into the distance. Mark and I were inspired by their energy and enthusiasm and have vowed to go hiking in Gatineau Park more often. More often than never.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

30 hours in Montreal

We went to Montreal last weekend to see, among other people, Sarah's 5-week fresh baby Blaise (another great name). We took the opportunity to offload a whole bunch of baby crap that was cluttering our home. Mark was all over the little guy, as was Gabrielle, who attempted a smack-down before we reigned her in.

Pit stop in Hudson, en route to Montreal. Gabrielle looking super cute, eliciting oohs and aahs from passers-by.

Visiting the Chinese lantern festival in Montreal's Botanical Gardens with my mother and her Israeli visitors, cousin Tova and her husband Zvi.

Gabrielle was snugglicious at the lantern festival. It hurt my ovaries just to look at her.

Visiting my high school friend Vanessa at her framing shop in NDG. They shared a look.

And finally having lunch on rue St. Denis before leaving town. Gabrielle is pretty rambunctious these days, and has picked up an incredibly annoying high pitched squeal that makes fellow diners unhappy (see woman at next table, above). Also note how Gabrielle's parents now let her play with knives if only, please only, will she STOP squealing...

I can walk!

(but I have to hold onto stuff)

Friday, September 5, 2008

And we're back!

Look how happy we are that our camera's fixed. We're also happy that Mark's finally on parental leave, and that we all get to hang out together for the month of September. Unfortunately, the leave began poorly as we have all gotten sick, one after the other, and now the bug appears to be going on round two. Gabrielle probably got the sickest of all of us, with lots of deep coughing and constant runny nose. We have a humidifier in our bedroom keeping the room warm and steamy for her cough, but it feels like a jungle in there.

On one of our healthier days, the three of us ventured to the local "water park" where we often hang out with Angie and Logan.

Mark has gotten Gabrielle to finally tolerate and possibly even enjoy the swings. I think it's because she's just focussed on his smoothie.

Also new is a whole bunch of teeth! Six total. Good for biting mummy.

What a beautiful picture. Gabrielle loves playing in the sand and finds it mighty tasty too. Although I enjoy bringing her to the park, I'm finding the sand all over the house afterwards to be annoying. I'm turning into a manic suburban housewife. Help!