Saturday, September 13, 2008

48 hours in Ottawa

After our visit to Montreal, Tova and Zvi came to Ottawa for a couple of days to see the sights. Those two are Energizer Bunnies, and made Mark and I feel like lazy slobs, which is what we are, I guess.

Here we are at Champlain Lookout in Gatineau Park, Gabrielle keeping a close eye on our visitors. 

On a hike in Gatineau Park, we finally put our backpack to its intended use.

Gabrielle was so comfortable, she fell asleep, missing all the spectacular views. Good thing she lives here.

Tova and Zvi were quite taken with the beauty of the region - they did alot of gazing into the distance. Mark and I were inspired by their energy and enthusiasm and have vowed to go hiking in Gatineau Park more often. More often than never.

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