Thursday, September 11, 2008

30 hours in Montreal

We went to Montreal last weekend to see, among other people, Sarah's 5-week fresh baby Blaise (another great name). We took the opportunity to offload a whole bunch of baby crap that was cluttering our home. Mark was all over the little guy, as was Gabrielle, who attempted a smack-down before we reigned her in.

Pit stop in Hudson, en route to Montreal. Gabrielle looking super cute, eliciting oohs and aahs from passers-by.

Visiting the Chinese lantern festival in Montreal's Botanical Gardens with my mother and her Israeli visitors, cousin Tova and her husband Zvi.

Gabrielle was snugglicious at the lantern festival. It hurt my ovaries just to look at her.

Visiting my high school friend Vanessa at her framing shop in NDG. They shared a look.

And finally having lunch on rue St. Denis before leaving town. Gabrielle is pretty rambunctious these days, and has picked up an incredibly annoying high pitched squeal that makes fellow diners unhappy (see woman at next table, above). Also note how Gabrielle's parents now let her play with knives if only, please only, will she STOP squealing...

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