Friday, September 5, 2008

And we're back!

Look how happy we are that our camera's fixed. We're also happy that Mark's finally on parental leave, and that we all get to hang out together for the month of September. Unfortunately, the leave began poorly as we have all gotten sick, one after the other, and now the bug appears to be going on round two. Gabrielle probably got the sickest of all of us, with lots of deep coughing and constant runny nose. We have a humidifier in our bedroom keeping the room warm and steamy for her cough, but it feels like a jungle in there.

On one of our healthier days, the three of us ventured to the local "water park" where we often hang out with Angie and Logan.

Mark has gotten Gabrielle to finally tolerate and possibly even enjoy the swings. I think it's because she's just focussed on his smoothie.

Also new is a whole bunch of teeth! Six total. Good for biting mummy.

What a beautiful picture. Gabrielle loves playing in the sand and finds it mighty tasty too. Although I enjoy bringing her to the park, I'm finding the sand all over the house afterwards to be annoying. I'm turning into a manic suburban housewife. Help!

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