Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Day two - Coney Island

All went well arriving at our apartment rental in Brooklyn. However, us peace loving Ottawaglians weren't prepared for the sound of passenger trains roaring by every half hour. And, being Saturday, the yahoos were out with their supercharged car stereos thump thumping through the night. None of us had a very restful night, as evidenced by Gabrielle's yawn, above.

Post-breakfast in Fort Greene, Brooklyn, Gabrielle needed a diaper change. "How about we change her on this random piece of wood?"

We met up with the Hall&Karens and their four! children at Coney Island: Blondie, Blonder, More Blonder and McBlondest.

This is Blonder (aka Sal), making friendly with Gabrielle.

Gabrielle's got her clapping skills now. Yay, subway ride!

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